Sunday, October 10, 2010

Looking thru Lewey's Lens 100 Years Ago - continuation

Here are some images which represent the photographs in my book. Most pictures in the book are accompanied by a story and the stories as a whole are loosely connected. Thanks for reading my blog.

Front cover of my book of Lewey's Photographs. The automobile is Lewey's 1914 Model T Ford.

Early Wheels 1910
Lewey will soon marry into this Reaser family. His future in-laws, Ben and Mary Ellen Reaser, look on as Lewey composes this memorable photographs of Reasers and visitors.


  1. I was amazed at the photos in this book as were many of the visitors to my open studio last weekend! Thanks so much for perserving this 100 year old time capsule.

  2. I was fortunate to have seen Marlin Thomas’s book. In my opinion, I found it to be a finely crafted text. With reproduced high quality images and explanation of large format view-camera photography, this book is a nice choice for casual reading. Along with the pleasing images, the informative descriptions tell the story of life in the rural countryside of central PA. From an historian point-of-view, this narrative provides a snapshot (pardon the pun), complete with images, of the early 19th century representing life in America during the industrial age automobiles were replacing the horse and buggy and where people still lived off the land.

    From an academic perspective this text provides context for the photography/art discipline as well as American history, as told through the visual medium of photographs and personal account of the times. If you’re of the notion that a picture tells a thousands words, I believe this is an easy book to recommend for its revealing view of the past.

    Andrew P. Lokie, Assistant Professor, Missouri State University
